How to set up new iPhone is a frequently asked question by a new iPhone owner. It is not as easy as you think and requires a detailed step-by-step approach. It also includes knowing the basic things that an iPhone will need. If you have this basic information then you can go on to learn how to set up new iPhone. This article mainly focuses on the iPhone’s dock connector set. Other parts required are an adaptor cable and cases.
After you have bought your new device, you need to prepare it for use. If you have had a headphone before, you need to uninstall it. Then you should turn the iPhone on. It should automatically detect all the speakers and microphones in your local area. You should also set the language and region setting.
Then you need to connect the iPhone to your computer and transfer all files from your desktop or laptop to your iPhone. You also need to open your brand new iPhone’s settings and tap on the iPhone icon. Now you need to tap on Home. This is where your home button is located.
When you tap on Home, a window will appear with several icons. The one you need to select is General. This is what controls all the options of the device such as changing the language, changing the screen mode, activating gestures and so on. Once you have completed all these steps, you need to touch the Home button again. This is to confirm whether your iPhone has successfully connected to the computer.
The next step involves a brief process of connecting your iPhone to the computer. First of all, click on the Start button on the computer. You will then be shown a series of icons. One of them is the General tab. Click on it and the following sub-tabs will open up.
In the sub-tabs, click on the Network settings tab. In the left pane, click on the connections option. This will open a new sub-tab where you need to choose the name of the network that you want to join, the password and also the Save tab, where you can save the newly selected settings for future use.
You will find that there are now two devices in the network. Tap on the Add link icon. Enter the IP address of the computer where you want to connect your iPhone to. After entering the IP address, you will get a pop up window. If you have not entered a password, tap on Skip password option and you will be asked to enter one.
Following this, you need to reboot the computer to enable the wireless connection on your iPhone. Once your device has reboots, you can proceed to connecting your iPhone to the Internet. Once you are done setting up the device, you can browse the web using the Safari browser. To finish the installation process, restart your device and then log in to the Internet. You will see a blue lock icon on the navigation bar. This indicates that your iPhone is successfully connected to the online network.